Here is the Carlington Community Association Minutes of December 14, 1998.

1. Attendance: Mark Lavinskas (CCA President) called the meeting at 7:05 PM. The following eight executive members were present: Mark Lavinskas, Milan Egrmajer, Matthew Darwin, Bruce Bradshaw, Ida Grant, Susan Murray, Frances Tanner and Steven Agulnik.

The following persons also attended the meeting: Joe Corkery, Ian McCuaig, Kathy Ablett, Debbie Lawes and Pat Krawczyk.

2. Agenda: The following agenda was adopted by Frances Tanner, seconded by Ida Grant and carried:

3. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the previous CCA meeting held on the 9th of November, 1998 were read by Mark Lavinskas, adopted by Bruce Bradshaw, seconded by Frances Tanner, and carried with one abstention.

4. A "Report to Carlington Community Association" dated 14 Dec 98 and prepared by Regional Councillor Wendy Stewart was distributed to the Attendees.

5. Development Issues Commentary: Lavinskas introduced Debbie Lawes who has had previous experiences in residential developments. Ms Lawes advised that other city planners from Orleans and Kanata could be consulted with respect to some of the issues currently being challenged by the CCA and CPCG. She pointed out that since the community was without continuous support of a councillor, all critical approvals should be held until representation by a new councillor is in effect. The views of the community with respect to the development of Central Park may become an important campaign issue. Ms Lawes urged that without a concept plan that has undergone public input, the city, region or community should not consider incremental plan or construction approval or amendments. Mark thanked Debbie for her input and suggestions on this current CCA issue.

6. Traffic Study: After much discussion, it was agreed that the terms of reference for the traffic study should include but not be limited to the following CCA concerns:

It was moved by Bruce Bradshaw and seconded by Susan Murray that the above concerns should be passed on by Mark Lavinskas to appropriate councillors and planners for inclusion into the terms of reference for the upcoming traffic study. Motion was unanimously carried.

7. November 18th Meeting with Mr Choo: Minutes of the meeting were distributed to the attendees. Some attendees discussed the lack of courteous behaviour, the aggressive tone and the degree of professional etiquette displayed by some attendees at this particular meeting. All attendees did not share this view. Mark reminded all that professionalism in dealing with the city, region, community and developers is paramount. Many attendees felt that the meeting was informative.

8. Planning Committee Updates: Frances Tanner reported that she and Robin Craig attended the City's Planning Committee meeting to ensure delegating authority on Central Park issues was not transferred to the Planning Department and that full public review and consultation was being followed. Mark added that he had received several e-mails that left an impression that there still seems to be some confusion. He also added that there is no consistency in the planners' viewpoints on many issues including incremental approvals. The CCA agreed that the community needs to be involved in all decisions and approvals due to a lack of confidence in the process to date.

9. Correspondence: Mark proposed that the CCA outline conditions, which where requested during the Nov 18 meeting with Ashcroft, for incremental approvals. The CCA confirmed that until a concept plan that has undergone full public review is established that no approvals could or should be granted. This viewpoint was echoed in a carried motion of a previous meeting and still stands. It was also noted that the CCA is not, in any manner, in a legal or otherwise position to be an approval body with respect to the Central Park development process.

Secretary's Note:
As the meeting room had to be vacated, the remaining agenda items in Section 2 were not discussed.

10. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM. The next meeting is scheduled for 11 January 1999 at the Carlington Community Health Centre.

Meeting chaired by: Mark Lavinskas
Minutes prepared by: Milan Egrmajer

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