Here is a copy of a letter sent from the Carlington Community Association to Patrick Legault Feburary 11, 1999.

City of Ottawa
Planning Branch
Dept of Urban Planning & Public Works
Rideau Pavillion, Level 2, City Hall
111 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 5A1

Re: OZP1998-032 - Rezoning Application - 1260 Merivale Rd.

In response to this application for rezoning, the Carlington Community Association has no objections to this configuration that effectively rearranges the same density of housing units. However, we would like to point out our concern regarding the strip of land numbered #198 (Z2K) which is bordered by the new park zoning and the commercial zone facing Merivale Road.

Although currently there is no zoning change for this strip of land, we have already seen the proposed concept plan converting it into commercial zoning. From a sensible and practical point of view, it would be very difficult to defend this relatively small residential zone from any threat whilst it has a park on one side, and a commercial lot on the other. For this reason, we feel somewhat vulnerable in agreeing to this application without mentioning this fact, and would like the city planning department to address this issue.


Mark A. Lavinskas
President - Carlington Community Association

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